You shall be preferred

1 Samuel 16: 10, before David showed up to be anointed by Prophet Samuel, seven sons of his father had appeared before Samuel. David had people who arrived before him, but he was preferred ahead of them. They had the advantage of coming earlier than David, but he was preferred over and above them. They came before him but they didn’t do better than him; they came before him but he was preferred.

Beloved, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will be preferred. You will be preferred ahead of those who came before you; you will be preferred ahead of those who have more connections and advantages than you; you will be preferred ahead of those whose qualifications are above yours; you will be preferred ahead of those who are using their advantage to get ahead.

The fact that they came before you does not mean that they will do better than you; you may have come late, but you are not a latecomer in destiny; you may be running late, but you will make it in time. You will always have people who began their journey before you; you will always have people who will arrive at your opportunity before you; but just as God did it for David, you may be late but you will be preferred; you will be preferred for higher honours and greater levels; you will be preferred for great accomplishments. Your relevance is guaranteed. You will be preferred in Jesus name.

BORROW FIRE!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥

Those days in the village where I grew up, whenever there was no fire to cook, my grandmother would gather firewood and send us to the neighbor’s house to go get hot coals from them and used it to start a fire in the house…

We’ll walk straight to the neighbor’s house holding a stainless pan with which we carried the hot coals…

The moment we returned, all we had to do was to put those hot coals on the dry firewood and fanned it into flames…

This has a great Spiritual implication…

“Whenever you lack fire, borrow fire!!!”

Yes, fire can be borrowed sir!!!

Look for those who carry fire and get connected to them physically or through their materials (ie messages, books etc)…

When you do this, in a short while you will find yourself burning!!!

Listen to anointed messages that will increase your spiritual passion and hunger…

There are moments I notice a reduction of unction…

At such moments I feel like am getting cold and it becomes difficult to maintain my prayer routine…

What I simply do is to find vessels who carry lively coals of fresh fire 🔥…

I simply get connected to them and in a short while I become inflamed by the inferno that is kindled on their spiritual altars…

I might not necessarily see or meet them one on one; all I need do is to lay hold on their materials (i.e books and tapes)…

Their materials are like an ignition switch capable of activating a combustion in my spiritual engine…

Their voices are like funnels of flames channelled towards my heart to set it ablaze for God…

By the time I’m done downloading from them, I Will find myself blasting in tongues and returning to my prayer altar.

To that young man or lady who has observed that his/her fire is gradually quenching, you are permitted to borrow fire!!!

In the realms of the Spirit, proximity is an important key…

All King Saul needed to do in order to prophesy was to plant himself in the midst of prophets…

As he continually heard them prophesy, the same prophetic fire they carried was kindled in his own life and he found himself operating in the same prophetic frequency (1Sam 10:10)…

Sir, borrow fire!!!

Tap into the spiritual volcano erupting in the spiritual altars of certain men and contact holy fire 🔥 🔥 🔥…

Get their materials… Listen to their messages… Read their books… Seat under their ministrations…

“While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.” (Acts 10:44)

Someone once asked me; “What kind of messages do you listen to???”

I responded; “I don’t select messages – I only listen to messages that can Kindle a fire 🔥 in me!!!”

When I attend meetings the first thing I check out for is ATMOSPHERE!

Seating under an atmosphere that is too dry to set your soul ablaze for God is a collosal waste of time…

I don’t care to know the status of a preacher – if he is spiritually aligned enough to bring down God’s presence in the atmosphere, he can get my attention…

I am too hungry to select messages…

Eloquence, oratory, grammar, synthesis & exegesis are not what we are after sir!!!

We are after FIRE 🔥 🔥 🔥

We are just too hungry to be rating messages on an intellectual level…

We just want to plug into the atmosphere and tap into spiritual high voltage…

Give us 🔥 or give us nothing!!!

My dear, it is time to stop lamenting over lukewarmness…

Go gather wood!!!

Download messages… Download books… Get anointed materials and go on a personal retreat…

Feed yourself with these things untill an ignition takes place in your spirit man…

Never forget – words convey spirit!!!
“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)

Are you hungry sir???

Now, go and borrow fire 🔥 🔥🔥 🔥

Talk Bold

YOU are the LIGHT of the world, YOU are a grand commander over darkness. The weakness of darkness at appearance of light is the same in every realm, either physically or in the realm of the spirit. Darkness is at your mercy, YOU are a threat to the devil, you are terror to demons and all agents of the devil including witches. You carry a mandate to humiliate, terrify and and impeach them in your environment. It’s an insult on redemption to run away from darkness. The blood of Jesus has position you above all darkness. They are more scare of you than you can imagine. Put your faith to work. With revelation of God’s word in your mind and premeditated consciousness of divine backing please talk bold and see the devil fleeing at your simple declaration .Matt 5:14