‘Throw all your worry on him, because he cares for you’.(1Pet 5:7.ISV). If it seems friends, parents,children,guidance or spouse don’t care, and no pastor nor priest has time for you. If you feel abandon or disapointed by all men and its like the whole world is against you. Don’t give up, rejoice, because the goodnews is the GREATEST MAN that has ever lived on this planet CARES for YOU. Talk to him in prayer, donate all your burdens and anxiety unto Him who has vow never to leave you nor forsake YOU. Hand over ALL your stress to the one who is eager to make you laugh over all tears, give you joy over all sorrows, and make you all He desire & design you to be. Don’t worry, be Happy! Its not over until you fulfill your destiny. Its not over until you WIN in Jesus Mighty Name. Matt 20:18