Haters are to make you better in life.

1 Samuel 1: 6-7; Peninnah was that co-wife of Hannah who had children at a time when Hannah was barren. She had results at a time when Hannah had none, and it became her leverage to taunt Hannah. She literally made Hannah see the need to have her own child. She made Hannah uncomfortable in her situation.

Beloved, in your journey to greatness, you need people who will make you uncomfortable in the midst of what is not working. You need people who will make you uncomfortable with mediocrity, uncomfortable with your current level, and uncomfortable with the prolonged absence of certain results in your life; you need people who make you see that all is not well.

You must know that people like Peninnah may sound like haters, but you surely need them sometimes to stir you up to pray. You need them to earnest your spiritual connection with God and unleashed your dormant potentials. You need them to bring out the best in you and to move you forward from where you are to where you need to be.
Beloved, sometimes you need haters to become better in life. May you receive wisdom, understanding and strength as you encounter your Peninnahs to use them as a stepping stone to your next level in Jesus name.

It’s not too late

It is not too late yet !!!

Please don’t give up!!!!!

Don’t give up on your dream, vision, desire and expectation.

Moses started his mission at age of 80 and Abraham at 75. Sarah became mother at age of 90. Even, Dr Nelson Mandela was elected President when he was over 70 years old after 27 years in prison.

No dream is too late to realise and no vision is to late to accomplish.

Pls don’t give up on your dream and vision.

It is not too late yet.

See you at the top. Agape!

God’s restriction is for your distinction.

Beloved, be rest assured when God shuts some doors by Himself, a ‘Samuel’ is on the way. When God will not have you enter some circles, or hit some targets, or win some battles, etc, something big that will make waves and make news is on the way. When God shuts your doors, He does not open it until He is ready to make a big thing happen. When God shuts your ‘womb’, expect a ‘Samuel’ that will be relevant to heaven’s agenda.

Peninnah had several sons and daughters, but the bible never mentioned their names. She had results that did not matter in divine agenda. It’s not enough to have results; are your results relevant in the scheme of divinity? How much does your ‘open door’ matter in heaven’s agenda? How much do your achievements count in the journey of life? God’s restriction is for your distinction. Cheer up.

Some things may not have worked, but when your miracle finally comes, it will be a show off for God. Your ‘Samuel’ is coming; your portion will locate you.

Job 23: 10 says: “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

Declare With Me: My ‘Samuel’ is coming and will make news, in Jesus’ name!


  1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.
    They don’t fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

  1. Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.

MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.

  1. Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey.

MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

  1. Eagles Love the Storm.
    When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

  1. When a Female Eagle Meets a Male Eagle and they want to mate, she flies down to earth, picks a twig and flies back into the air with the male eagle in hot pursuit. Once she has reached a height high enough for her, she drops the twig and let it fall to the ground while she watches. The male eagle chases after the twig and catches it before it reached the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle. The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude and drops the twig again for the male eagle to chase. This goes on for hours with the height increasing each time until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which shows commitment. Then and only then will she allow him to mate with her.

MEANING; Whether in private life or business, one should test the commitment of the people intended for partnership.

  1. Eagles Prepare for Training;
    They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest.

MEANING; Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth there.

  1. When the Eagle Grows Old,
    His feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.

MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of.



Enter into your rest

1 Samuel 1: 1; Elkanah was described as a man of Ramathaimzophim. ‘Ramathaimzophim’ means ‘watchtower’ or ‘height of towers’. In most cities in the oriental milieu, there was a watchtower from where enemy threats/invasion could be sighted early and averted. Ramathaimzophim is symbolic of that place where one takes responsibility for one’s safety.

Elkanah left his abode annually to go and sacrifice to God in Shiloh. ‘Shiloh’ means ‘place of rest’. So Elkanah moved from the place of watching to the place of rest. He moved from the place where he was responsible for safety to a place where all he needed to do was rest. He moved from a place where he needed to make things happen to a place where things were put in place. He moved from labour to rest.

Beloved, let me speak into your life: In this season, you are entering into your rest. This year you are moving from labor to rest and full harvest with minimal labor. I declare, your season of excess labour is over; your rest season has come in Jesus name.

You shall not labour in vain

Where was SARAH when ISAAC got married?…. Inside the grave .
Where was REBECCA when JACOB his favourite son returned as a wealthy man?, …she was long dead.
Where was RACHEAL when JOSEPH became the Prime minister?, ..she had already died.
Where were the parents of ESTHER when she became the first lady…hmmm…Already dead.
Where was JONATHAN when DAVID his covenant friend became the president?…he had been killed.
I BOW my kneel before the living GOD of ISRAEL, I DECREE and DECLARE, that you will not die before your time of honour and rewards. You will not labour in vain over your children and loved ones. The mother of SOLOMON was alive when SOLOMON became the President, Oh my God, another person will not reap the HARVEST of your labour nor replace you in the day of your HONOUR and GLORY in the mighty name of Jesus . Isa 65: 19, 23 is your portion. Amen and Amen🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.

Isaiah 65:19,23
[19]And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.
[23]They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.

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If water was brought from river to cook fish, its childhood friend, confidant, housemate, roommate, that nourished fish to adulthood, then, it may not altogether be unexpected when man, no matter the relationship or closeness decided to cook man, betray man, destroy man etc at the slightest opportunity!
》Balaam sold out because of gift. (Num 22&23).
》A king sacrificed his own first born to idols to secure victory.(2Kings.3:26&27).
》Ahitophel betrayed David his confidant(2Sam 15:31).
》Judas betrayed Jesus his Master for few bucks! (Mat.26:15).
Cain killed Abel his blood brother.
David killed Uriah, a very loyal Soldier.
Delilah betrayed Samson his lover.
May God our defence, our defender, a present help at all times rescue us from unstable fellow men!

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Worship in season and out of season.

John 11: 32, When Mary came to where Jesus was, she fell at His feet. Mary’s action was symbolic of worship. At a time when everyone expected her tears, she chose to worship Jesus. In her pain, she worshipped. Things had gone awry, but it didn’t stop Mary from falling at Jesus’ feet. Her circumstance did not stop her worship.

Beloved, the devil might have told you that it is okay to worship deeply when everything is fine, bills paid, doors open, money flowing in, miracles happening all around, etc; but like Mary, dare to worship when things are not in order. Let your circumstances not silence you in the place of your worship and intimacy with Jesus. No matter what happens, still worship.

Know it therefore that, your worship will unlock the wells of goodness and mercy, and connect you to your unfulfilled expectations. I declare, no matter what happens, keep worshipping in Jesus name.

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No more tears

“… when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.” (John 11: 31)

Beloved, Mary rose to go and meet Jesus, and in a matter of time, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. She seemed like one who was about to cry again, but it ended in praise.

Today, I urge you to Go and announce to those who think you will cry again that your story will end in praise and in celebration. Those who imagine that you are finished will soon realize that God has just started a new thing in you.

The days of bitter tears are over.

Psalm 45: 7 says: “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”

Declare With Me: No more bitter tears; I rise to my good news, in Jesus’ name!

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No more delay

Beloved, Jesus showed up to raise Lazarus from the dead, but Martha thought it would happen on a future date. She imagined that the miracle she desired was impossible for that day. Hear me as I hear the Lord: it may look too impossible to happen now, but God will make it happen without delay. That mega opportunity may not look like what should come forth any time soon, but it’s on the way already. There shall be no more delays.

The God you serve needed only six days to put the entire creation together; so why would He need eternity to make one miracle happen in your life? The God you serve is not like human institutions that are pressed for time when they have a thing to achieve; God is able to do much more than you could ever imagine no matter how short the time is. Stop postponing what God is able to do today. Ask in faith, believe that God can respond no matter how unrealistic it seems, and He will respond.

DECLARE WITH ME; My portion will not be postponed, in Jesus’ name!

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