Blessed by the word

YOUR LOVE FOR GOD’S WORD IS NOT IN VAIN: BLESSED is he that readeth,and..hear the words of this prophecy..and keep those things ..written therein. Rev 1:3 READING, HEARING AND KEEPING the word of God is not in vain. It placed an unusual blessing on you wherever you go. Keeping the word attracts supernatural blessings and repel curses. It releases anoiniting on you to be bless in whatever you do. Your sense of value for the word of God will determine your flow of virtue. Your depth of reference will determine your flow of blessing. How much honour you placed on the word will determine how much honour satan and his cohorts will allot unto you. The more closer you are to the word the farther the devil is away from you. Only light can handle night. To be enlighten by the word is to be free from harassment of darkness. Don’t be tired of eating the word because the word is all you need to floor every war and bring down every wall of life’s opposition. All your inheritance including everything you will ever need in life are rapped up in the word. Keep celebrating the word!

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Wonders of sacrificial worship

Beloved, when Mary broke that alabaster box at Jesus’ feet, Jesus proclaimed that wherever the gospel would be preached in the world, Mary’s action shall continue to be a memorial. So Mary’s act of sacrifice was to become a permanent point of reference even for generations unborn. Her sacrifice had generational implications. Your act of worship and sacrifice today has generational implications. When you break your alabaster box at Jesus’ feet, Jesus does not forget.

Mary would have had needs that her one year wages could solve, but those needs paled into insignificance the moment she decided to break her alabaster box at Jesus’ feet. Her needs did not stop her act of worship. Don’t be deceived: your needs are not enough reason to halt your sacrifice at the feet of Jesus. The mere fact that you have unsolved needs should not stop you from giving Jesus your all.
Step up your worship to the level of sacrifice; give to God that which cost you a lot; make your worship sacrificial; God is expecting it anyway.

DECLARE WITH ME; My worship shall be sacrificial, in Jesus’ name!

A place in Jesus

Mary (Magdalene) lived her life in error for a while, but one day, she decided to quit a life of sin, and the door of redemption were opened to her. She accessed redemption, and it didn’t matter how long she had been in the wrong path. The mystery of salvation is that no matter how far you have gone, if there is still life, you have a chance to get back to your place in Christ.

Mary was not about to be a friend of Jesus and remain in sin. She got tired of combining sin with a walk with Jesus. In this season, keep your life straight. If you have chosen to walk with Jesus, do away with every bondage you were ever entangled with. If you choose Jesus, access the grace that empowers you to live like a child of God.

Don’t let guilt keep you away from Jesus. You still have a place; you are still His own.

Galatians 5: 1 says: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

Declare With Me: Jesus paid for me; I still have a place, in Jesus’ name!

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Walking in the Spirit

John 11:2; When Mary broke her alabaster box at the feet of Jesus, Judas Iscariot protested, and queried why the alabaster box was not sold and given to the poor (see John 12). So as Mary broke her alabaster box, she had an opposition; as she broke her expensive ointment at the feet of the Jesus she loved, there was someone who was bent on giving contrary counsel. As she dared to please the Master, not everyone was happy with her.

Beloved, as you seek to please Jesus, be sure that not everyone will be happy with you. As you take strategic steps that will position you on a higher pedestal, not everyone will applaud you, not everyone will encourage you, not everyone will support you, not everyone will see sense in what you are doing or have done, not everyone will see value in what you have chosen to do, and not everyone would even understand your motive.

If only they knew Mary’s action was for a divine purpose. She was walking in the Spirit. If you desire to walk in the Spirit and fulfill divine purpose, then learn to be deaf to people’s canal opinion especially when they don’t understand your purpose. Today I urge you to block your ears to needless public opinion of walking in the flesh and choose to please Jesus(the word of God) . Walk in the Spirit ( the word of God – Jesus is Spirit and life ). May you continue to walk in the Spirit and not be carnally minded in mighty Jesus name.

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You will fulfill your destiny.

John 11: 1; introduces the story of Lazarus. Nothing much was said about Lazarus prior to his eventual death. So he died unsung. Lazarus still had potentials, he still had life ahead of him, he still had things to achieve, he still had heights to attain; but all of a sudden, he took ill and died. Lazarus’ destiny was cut short abruptly. His destiny was truncated.

Beloved, I pray for you today: your destiny will never be truncated. Your life will not be cut short. You will not be an infant of days. You will not end your destiny journey on the way. You will not die unsung. You will not end your journey on earth when you have not yet fulfilled your days and fulfilled the divine assignment that God put upon you; you will not be counted among those whose journey ended without them hitting their targets.

I declare, Nothing will truncate your destiny, in Jesus’ name!

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No more trouble

Give your way out of TROUBLE. To get out of trouble God gave Jesus, Solomon gave 1,000 Bullock, Abimeleck gave out Sarah. Trouble is far from givers. NO MATTER HOW HOT YOU ARE IN PRAYERS & HOW LOADED YOU ARE IN ‘IT IS WRITTEN’ IF YOU ARE NOT A GIVER YOU REMAIN IN TROUBLE. Even the devil knows this, if you see him ask him. ‘ Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of TROUBLE. Ps 41:1 CHEERFUL GIVERS ARE GOD’S FAVOURITE! Be FREE from all troubles of life. Happy VAL!

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God answers prayers.

He gave His life to restore you back to God. It will be an insult to doubt His giving you anything to keep you in God. ‘And this is the confidence that we have in Him , that, if we ask ANYTHING according to His will, He heareth us: And if… He hear us..we have the petitions that we desire of Him’ RECEIVE YOUR LONG AWAITED ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR PRAYERS NOW In Jesus mighty name!!!!1Jn5:14-15. Ps 84:11

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Wonders of Redemption

At REDEMPTION Jesus paid full price to RELOCATE us and seated us in HEAVENLY PLACES. We are now FAR ABOVE Satan & his cohorts. Meaning AUTHORITY has changed hands. Jesus TOOK us from UNDER Satan and ENTHRONE us as MASTER OVER him. Satan is now under our feet, & under our control. He STOP Operating anywhere we stand using the name of JESUS – the one who enthrone us to reign over him! Beloved, TAKE CHARGE and KICK HIM OUT NOW. Stay victorious in Jesus mighty name.

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Apple of His eyes.

You are the Apple of God’s eyes. You occupy the most treasured part in God. Its too late for the enemy to touch you without touching God. Enemy has throw in Towel concerning you believing you are too far away from their reach. WAKE UP you are a NO GO AREA for satan. Too protected to be touch by any evil. Well connected to miss any blessing. It is well with you. Possess ALL your possession in Jesus mighty name. Zech 2:8, Ps 91, 17:8

For more inspirational teachings and prayers talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via



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Is your name in the register

If you want your freedom to be TOTAL, obey God TOTALLY. There are offices you are permitted to enter only if your name is in the receptionist log book or register . “IS YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE? Are you sure Angels will allow you Paradise’s entrance?The blood of Jesus has put your name the Paradise entrance register don’t let your character get same deleted.
Please add virtue to your faith,
Forgive all
Say the truth always
Flee sex outside marriage
Stop backbiting
Stop cheating.
Be dependable
Jesus has chosen you for HEAVEN, walk worthy of his calling. HELL IS A TERRIBLE PLACE TO SPEND ETERNITY.
You will make heaven in Jesus name. Rev.20:15
For more teachings and prayers talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via