Your Purity is not in vain

‘Blessed( ability to prosper) are (for) the pure in heart ( I.e people that are pure from their heart not just eyes service) for they shall see God (YOU will see God’s power, God’s glory, God’s honor & God’s divine intervention in ALL your life’s endeavor all the days of your life in Jesus mighty name). Mat 5: 8. Purity is the mother of prosperity, power and progress. Faithfulness produces fruitfulness. Devil is so jealous of the colorful destiny of the pure, he tried all his best to pollute the faithful. Don’t give up. Your sacrificial clean lifestyle guaranteed a glorious future! You believe, shout hallelujah!
For further teaching and prayers talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via email:

Talk Bold

‘Where the Word of a KING is, there is Power’Ecc8:4, by Redemption you are a King, Your Word is LOADED with IRRESISTIBLE AUTHORITY. GOD has given you MOUTH & WISDOM which NON of your ADVERSARIES shall be able to resist or gainsay. your VOICE is a THREAT to d Kingdom of darkness, FIRE JOURNEY with your VOICE, no wonder STRANGERS Catch FEVER and FLEE at the sound of your Voice. The whole heaven is behind your THRONE. TALK BOLD! Rev 1:3-5.

For more inspirational teachings talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via Email:
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Wonders of mercy

Although Abraham lied and committed adultery, yet God never withdraw His promise of Isaac. Peter deny Jesus with a curse yet Jesus still made him an Apostle. When every other things fails including our self, HIS MERCY FAILETH NOT. May the mercy of God speak for you whenever and wherever you are speechless. I hear God saying “GO and sin no more.”Enjoy a mercy ride into your colourful destiny in Jesus mighty name. Jn 8

For more inspirational teachings talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via

All is for your good

ALL things works together for good to them that loves God. Nothing is working otherwise yet, ALL(both good and bad) are working together for your good. There is no HONEY without a BEE. No one comes to the front without confronting something. GOLIATH appear for the good of DAVID, a missing Donkey ushers SAUL to the throne. Rejection and hatred brought JOSEPH to PHAROH’s cabinet as prime minister. RUTH thought its finish when she lost her husband, but God turn the table against the devil using that loss to make her a grand mother of Jesus. Challenges of life are not meant to break you but to make you,not to hurt you but to help you. When you manage your Bees well you eat your Honey unhurt. I see every issue of concern around you turning to a testimony in Jesus mighty name. Rejoice!!!!!! Rom 8:28

For more inspirational teaching and prayers talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via :

Give while you fast

FASTING and PRAYER is NOT the answer to kingdom financial breakthrough. FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH answers to the COVENANT of seed time and harvest. If you are not a GIVER, you remain a BEGGAR. GIVERS don’t LACK! LACKERS DON’T GIVE!! Today’s GIVERS are potential Tomorrow LENDERS to Nations. When you add GIVING to your FASTING there is an emergency in heaven, your prayer during such fasting enjoys quick response from heaven. GRACE to prosper comes upon YOU when you give. You DISGRACE yourself when you don’t give! YOU shall lend to NATIONS. God’s instruction from the bible says “GIVE and it shall be given unto you”. If you don’t take God’s instruction with LEVITY,believe me you can NEVER end a NONENTITY. Those who use your challenges to describe you, shall begin to use your TESTIMONIES to describe and salute you. Wherever you’ve been put to shame my God will give FAME & PRAISE this year in JESUS mighty name. Lk 6:38, Matt 6:33, Gen 8:20-22

For more teachings and prayers talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via

The bride of Christ

You are the bride of Christ. With His precious blood He paid your dowry on the cross of calvary. He is now your head, you are his body. Everything that belongs to (Jesus)your Husband are now rightfully yours. Anywhere they see you they’ve seen Him. The same reference demons gave to Him now follows you because His influence is your influence. His power is your power. His identity is your identity since you are now ONE. All His Angels are at your disposal for you to give assignment. The whole heaven celebrated marriage between you and Him at SALVATION which ushers you into your new spiritual habitation in heavenly places far above principality & power, & might, & dominion, & rulers of darkness of this world & spiritual wickedness in high places. You are untouchable. You are too far above any assault or oppression of darkness. Your Husband has fortified you well enough beyond molestation. Lo, your Husband is with you always, even to the end of the ages. He will never leave you nor forsake you. FEAR NOT you are the first lady to THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS- JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. Take charge and take control!!!!!Mat 28:20, Eph 1:20, Rev 21:9.

For more inspirational teaching and prayers talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via Email:

The Speaking Blood

The speaking blood of the Lamb that spoke to Angel of destruction to pass over the Jews in Goshen has his voice over you, your family and all yours speaking passover to every evil, destruction, sickness,demonic decree, poverty and all that Jesus die for on the Cross. Good health, prosperity, success and all round protection is yours in Jesus mighty name. Ps 91

For more prayers and counseling talk to: Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via Email: olajubilation a

Rejoice despite challenges!

Let not your heart be troubled Jn 14:1.

The devil knows he cannot handle you with JOY in your heart. He is afraid of you when you are JOYFUL ! Because he knows a joyful HEART will result into a ‘praiseful’ MOUTH and A ‘Praiseful’ mouth enjoys a ‘GODFUL’ backing, because God inhabits the praise of His people & if God be for us no man can be against us. When the devil attacks your expectations, your finance, health,family, marriage, business or career his true target are not all this. His true target is that JOY in your heart. Be wise, let not your heart be trouble, rejoice always, because the joy of the Lord is your strength(YOUR POWER HOUSE). When you keep YOUR JOY, you keep your strength & health, you keep your marriage because you forgive easily, you keep your business because you are able to think straight. Say this::SATAN your game is up, GET LOST I’m REJOICING!!!!

For more inspiration talk to Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via

Don’t give up

It is a mistake to think time is going. Time is not going. Time is here until the world ends. It is man that is going. You don’t waste time.You invest time. Time is infinite. Man depreciate. Man has an end. It is man that grows old and die. Time doesn’t. So make better use of time. One of the worst thing to do with time is comparing yourself to others. A cow eats grass and gets fat but dog eats same grass and die. Never compare yourself with others. Run your race. Keep your lane. What works for one person may be that which can kill others. Focus on the gifts and talents God gave you and don’t be envious of the blessings He gave others. If a rose smells better than tomatoes, It doesn’t mean the rose can make a better stew. Don’t try to compare yourself to others. You also have your own strength, look for it and build on it . You are unique. There is no one like you on earth. All animals that exist, were in Noah’s ark.
A snail is one of them. If God could wait long enough for snails to enter Noah’s ark; His door of grace won’t close till you reach your expected position in life. Never look down on yourself, keep looking up. Remember that Broken crayons still colors. Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal. Keep hope alive, don’t give up. No retreat , no surrender till you arrive your Canaan Land full of milk and honey.
I love you
For more inspiration contact Pastor Olanrewaju Abrahamvia :*

Ordained to showcase His Glory

He is the Vine, we are the branches. The glory of a Vine is express on its branches. May the fullness of Christ’s beauty,power and glory be practically seen on you now and ever in Jesus mighty name. Jn 15

For more inspiration contact

Pastor Olanrewaju Abraham via