Wealth belongs to God

Poverty is not synonymous to humility, neither is it a proof of purity. Abraham was a friend of God yet lived in stupendous wealth. You don’t resemble God been poor. Jesus became poor for us to become rich. Poverty is an insult on redemption and a big slap on sacrifice of Jesus our redeemer. Lazarus the poor die in penury yet became a messenger to Abraham in Heaven. The rich man begged father Abraham to send Lazarus to him with water. If care is not taken , the rich who are wise enough to serve God with their riches shall earn themselves better position in heaven. RECEIVE GRACE TO PROSPER EFFORTLESSLY IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME. 3Jn 2

Stay in God’s will

Esther 6:2, speaks of Bigthana and Teresh, the king’s chamberlains who conspired to lay hands on the king. The name ‘Bigthana’ means ‘gift of God’. So a man who was called the ‘Gift of God’ went for what God didn’t empower him to achieve; he went on a mission that God did not endorse; he simply wanted more than God gave him.

Beloved, stay within what God has given you; stay within the confines of divine provision that has been allotted to you; stay within the confines of the environment God has brought you into; stay content with the doors that God has opened for you; stay within the confines of the opportunities God has given you; stay within the boundaries of divine resources that have been given to you; stay content.

You may ask God for more, but don’t do the wrong thing because you desire more. I declare, you will not do the wrong thing because you want more in Jesus name.

Beware of Church Clubs

Korah, Dathan & Abiram formed a “Hater’s Drama Club” within the Church in the wilderness and recruited 250 to join, just to discredit the General Overseer, even Moses, the Man of God (Num.16:1-33).
All of them, their houses, belongings paid dearly for it! They were all swallowed alive by the earth that opened her mouth to receive them.
Be careful what “Club” you will join in your place of worship. (Church).
Don’t be fooled into destruction for whatever reasons!
In practice it may not be exactly like that but in principle it is still the same, ending in regret and sorrow.
It may better to leave peacefully and quietly that to join them.
Be wise, save your head, preserve your destiny.
Wisdom is profitable to associate in Church.
Amen and Amen.
Remain rapturably blessed as always.

No more fruitless effort

Beloved, Mordecai made significant inputs into the lives of the King and Queen, yet remained in obscurity. He did so much but had so little. You will no longer do so much and have so little; you will not be in obscurity; you will not do well for others, yet have no one doing well for you. Your level in life will not be a mockery of your efforts.

Henceforth, your little efforts shall yield massive results. Your input shall attract the attention of those that matter. For every help you have given, receive greater help; for everyone you lifted, expect greater lifting; for every effort, greater heights await you.The same God who caused Mordecai’s efforts to eventually yield results will cause your efforts to yield results without delay.

Psalm 92: 13-14 says: “13. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. 14. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;”

Declare With Me: The cycle of fruitless efforts is broken, its my season of all round fruitfulness forever in Jesus’ mighty name!

Remain Steadfast

Esther 6: 1, speaks of that night when the king could not sleep until the matter of Mordecai was addressed. Mordecai means warrior. So the man who was remembered by the king was ‘Warrior’. The man whose status changed was ‘Warrior’; the man who rose from poverty to royalty was ‘Warrior’.

Beloved, the battles against you may be many, but God says, keep fighting, and don’t give up. Fight the battles that you are faced with; fight the battle to remain relevant in your generation; to remain on fire for God; to keep your prayer life and consecration intact; to keep the destinies of your children from being reduced or polluted; to defeat the satanic opposition against you.

The success stories of life belong to those who fight their battles without giving up. You may be tired in the course of your fights in life; just rest, and keep fighting. No matter how tired or dejected you are, you have what it takes to win don’t give up or give in. Remember, you only fight to reinforce the victory Christ has given you. Mordecai remained steadfast until he was remembered and honoured.

Ephesians 6: 11 says: “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Declare With Me: I will win my battles, in Jesus’ name!

You are saved for a purpose.

Mark 16: 9, Mary Magdalene was famously a woman of easy virtue. Different scriptures and bible history point to the fact that this particular Mary was a prostitute. Jesus later cast out seven demons from her. This same woman was going to be the first to see the risen Jesus; after being a legendary sinner, she was delivered for a future assignment. She was saved for a purpose.

Beloved, there is a future assignment. There are responsibilities, new realms in the spiritual and physical, divine opportunities, etc that heaven intends to bring you to; there are major breakthroughs that heaven has ordained for you; you may not have seen the future, but God has it all figured out. Once you are saved, you are on a divine mission. Your past is irrelevant to your future. Your future is bright and colourful. Once you have given your life to Jesus. Your future can only be glorious and wonderful. Prophet Isaiah put it this way ” say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him” Isa 3:10.

It is evident Mary Magdalene was set free to be part of a more glorious future that Jesus ordained. Have you been set free from the bondage on sin? Then there is a future divine assignment Jesus has anointed you for. Today I declare, you have been set free for a purpose. You will fulfil your reason for your salvation in Jesus name. Happy Easter to you and all yours. AGAPE

You shall laugh last

In the beginning God create the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1 The word CREATE here in Hebrew means BARA~to create something out of nothing. God’s delight from the beginning is to bring hope out of hopelessness, to bring hero out of zero, treasure out of every trash in your life, giving you a joyful beginning where the devil has giving you a sorrowful conclusion, bitter ending or summary dismissal. God want to make all those hypocrites who has step on you and those looking down on you, to eventually look up to you and clap for you in shame. Job 8:22. For 4-days the devil thought he had finished LAZARUS, in the fiery furnace he thought he had finished the hebrew boys, in the belly of the fish he thought he had finished Jonah, on the cross he thought he had finished Jesus not knowing that God was only waiting for he(the devil) to exhaust all powers in his wicked arsenal before taking over to announce Lazarus on front pages of Jewish newspaper on the FOUTH day, used the instrument of death(the fish) as Submarine to gloriously carried Jonah to his famous destiny and the cross to cruSH the devil’s head permanently. In this 4th month, the 4th man in the fiery furnace who turn fire to Air conditional and raised Lazarus on the fourth day will bring miracle out of every mess in your life, marriage, health, education or business. He will remove barrier from your carrier and make you laugh over whatever you’ve ever wept over. Your secret tears shall be turn to a testimony for your joyful public laughter. CNN, BBC, and all global cable network will celebrate your testimony. All your mockers shall bow to your maker. Its your turn to be GLOBALLY CELEBRATED in Jesus mighty name.


Thou wilt keepth him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee Isa 26:3

The best place to keep your mind 24/7 is on God’s word. Current global news, economic, political, health or weather are all scary. Free your mind from Insult, assault,scandal,abuse and all loses of yesterday. God want to make it up to you today as you set your mind to ruminate on His promises there shall be restoration. DAVID trusted in Him, his lost wives and children where restore. DANIEL trusted in Him he was divinely protected in fire and in Lion’s den. Their is no loss to those who trust in the word. So mightily GREW the word of God and PREVAIL. I see his word prevailing over your situation today.


Blessings as you step out today

The power of a seed is not in its size but in the quality of its product.

May every small effort of yours always yield multiple results of blessings.

Life is not by Grade but by Grace. Not by Labour but by Favour. Not by Merit but by Mercy.

May the Grace, Mercy and Favour of God locate you as you step out today in jesus name

Haters are to make you better in life 2

Beloved, Peninnah was not a pretender. She never comforted Hannah in her barrenness. She simply made things seem as bitter as they really were. She did all she could to shoot at a wounded soldier. She made Hannah cry day and night till she pushed her to cry unto God. My beloved, Be grateful to God for those who tell you the truth about your condition no matter how bitter. Be grateful for those who may sound like haters,backbiter, but tell you all you need to know to keep you away from complacency. Sometimes you need them to liberate you from arrival mentality. Peninnah did not allow Hannah to celebrate her marriage to a good husband for too long. She provoke her to a strong desire for her next level of childbearing.

Peninnah kept driving Hannah crazy until Hannah took one drastic trip to Shiloh where her story changed. The insulting words from Peninnah made Hannah to swing into action until her story changed for the best. When the Peninnah’s of this world drive you crazy, take up their challenge to God in prayers. Pray Until Something Happens( PUSH ) Pray until things turn around to your favour; take up your Peninnah’s challenge and demand for results that will wipe off all insults. Ask until your joy is full.

Peninnahs may sound like haters, they may sound like opposition, but you definitely need them if you must move forward from where you are to where you should be. No one comes to the front without confronting something. Every star has a scar. You are a star, you will shine.
Declare With Me: The words of my ‘Peninnah’ will push me forward, in Jesus’ name! See you at the top.